
To those we've loved and those that are gone

This past week one of my co-workers died. She has a 14 year old kid. She is a single mother. It was a heart attack. She went into a vegetative state and with grace and dignity left this earth on her own accord.

Bad things like this aren't supposed to happen. Bad things like this are not supposed to happen at Christmas. We aren't supposed to know these faces. The images of those who find death in their youth are supposed to be just flashes on a screen.

But they're not.

I can say I will pray and all that, but I don't know who to. I'll give my pittance in hopes that every little bit counts, but I don't think it will be enough. I could cry, but I think this would just be a selfish blunder.

Really, I think the best way to remember those who we've lost is to be kind to those who've lost. I have no idea who this woman loved or loved her. So all I really can do is be kind to strangers. That might be the best thing we all can do.

Here's to a little love in this Holiday Season.

1 comment:

  1. That really sucks. Death sucks. This year I lost my grandmother and the family dog in the span of 21 terrible days. I still can't imagine what that 14 year old kid is going through. My heart goes out to the family.

    Live each day as it were your last and never stop giving others kindness and respect.



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